Empowering families. Unleashing potential.




100% Online



Anytime. Anywhere.

Flexible Scheduling

Career Pathways Beginning Fall 2023

Certified Teachers

FAST Support

Future Focused

Curriculum Designed With You in Mind

Future-focused learning customized to your unique learning style and pace. We offer asynchronous learning with live support.

Elementary School

We offer a comprehensive K-5 curriculum in English, Math, Science, Social Studies and Art. Our curriculum provides educators, parents, and virtual learners with a valuable resource to support student learning and development across multiple subjects.

Middle School

Our 6-8 curriculum provides a challenging and engaging learning experience that prepares students for success in high school and beyond. Our interactive digital resources, hands-on activities, and differentiated instruction ensures that all learners have the support they need to achieve their goals.

High School

Our 9-12 curriculum provides a comprehensive and challenging learning experience that prepares students for success in college and beyond. Our curriculum emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership skills, while covering a wide range of subjects, including mathematics, language arts, science, social studies, and electives.

The AZVTA Difference


AZVTA provides students with the opportunity to get foundational skills in their chosen field. We tie education and learning objectives to practical application. Personal learning plans help students understand the importance of what they are currently doing and how it ties into their future goals.

School of One

AZVTA encourages the individuality of every student. We provide personal learning paths designed to enhance your strengths and support your accomplishment of goals. Our program is designed asynchronously so you can school on a daily schedule that fits your needs. We provide teacher support via feedback, live lessons, small group sessions, email, text and phone.

Education with Destination

AZVTA strives to create a school environment with social interactions and synchronous supports while also valuing the needs of the individual. You are important and our team takes the time to get to know you, listen to you, and support you on your educational journey.

Making a Difference For Our Families

Your school has made a huge impact on my child's life and academic views.

This school has by far been the best experience for all of my children. Each one of the teachers goes above and beyond to help. We say it's like a one-room school house. Everyone is so connected and when we need something people reach out.

You’ve helped my child more than you know. No one’s ever done what you do. Not all superheroes wear capes!

Get Started Today!


CALL US: (480) 418-5868




• Education With Destination